Friday, March 27, 2009


So as I expected this blog fell by the wayside as moving and working and trying to spend time with loved ones took over. I am just now starting to have time to myself and it feels good. This week in particular was hellish. Every morning I came in there was another fire to control. People really do get worked up about the smallest things sometimes. And considering I worked 7 AM to 9PM on Tuesday and had to be back here at 7 AM on Wed, I am pooped. But yesterday the Imp went to his dad's and the Count was working so I came home from work by 4 pm and went right to sleep. And I didn't wake up until 5 AM this morning! I feel so much better. I was so tired yesterday morning I actually got sick before I went to work, all the while worrying that I picked up another stomach virus but realizing it was too late to call in. But this morning I woke refreshed, made a pot of coffee, fed the cat, had a nice hot shower and made it to work with 10 minutes to spare. AND when I got here, it was quiet, and the office was neat and organized! AND it's stayed quiet and I get to leave in an hour! Woohoo! Life is good at least for the day. Hope you all are having some sort of a good day as well!

Friday, February 27, 2009

The transition...

For those who don't know me, and that will be most of you at this time, a bit about me.

I have gone by many pseudonyms in my life as a blogger, Ruby, Mamarubygrace, The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, but for this transition I choose to simply be known as ~M~. Simple, straightforward and to the point. I have many blogs that I will probably make public at some point in order to reveal or explain something more in depth about myself.

I am currently an older but still twenty-something, mother to a toddler who is going through a divorce and moving in with the man of my dreams. This weekend we are moving in and starting the rest of our lives.

This transition is probably the scariest, most responsible, yet most risky thing I have ever done in my life. But it is definitely the first thing I have ever done for myself and myself only. Many people accuse me of being overly selfish and thinking of myself first, but I have come to terms with the fact that the people who say that are really only thinking of themselves and not me. So I will think about me. And my son. And my love.

My beautiful skootch of a son you will come to know as the Imp and my sexy, intelligent boyfriend as the Count (his choice not mine :)).

Please feel free to comment or ask questions. I have decided that my life is an open book and it feels fine!